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"Korean traditional music disappears from school education."

Traditional Korean music educators and Gugak musicians are protesting, saying that the entire Korean music is on the verge of falling out of the government's plan to revise the curriculum of elementary, middle and high schools. More than 130 organizations, including the National Korean Traditional Music Educators Association and the Korean Traditional Music Association, held a press conference in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 21st and urged the Ministry of Education to immediately stop revising the music curriculum and review the contents.

The organizations argued that the obligation to include the field of Korean traditional music in the revision to be applied to each textbook and education sites nationwide has virtually disappeared since 2024. "The proportion of Gugak in school music education rose from 3.9% in the 1950s to more than 30% in the 1990s, and terms such as Jangdan and Sigimsae (decorated sound) were specified in the curriculum in the 2000s," said Choi Heon, "According to the revision, Gugak could be 0% in elementary, middle and high school education."

Date: 2022-04-22

Reporter: 정새울



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​청소년 보호 담당자 : 정새울  (01057930553)

등록번호 : 서울, 아54575

​등록일 : 2022년 11월 25일

제      호 : 미디어넘버원

종      별 : 인터넷신문

발 행 소 : 서울시 송파구 송파동 20-5 영풍빌딩 5층 

발행 목적 : 국내외, 정치,경제, iT흐름을 일목요연 신속 정확하게 국민에게 전달함

​청소년보호책임자: 정새울                               발행인,  편집인: 정새울

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