Japan's defense spending demand is 5.48 trillion yen..."It may exceed 1% of GDP"

Japan's Ministry of Defense demanded 5.4797 trillion yen (about 58 trillion won) for fiscal 2022, up 7% from the previous year. This raises the possibility that Japan's defense spending will exceed 1% of GDP for the first time in 11 years since 2010.
According to Japan's Ministry of Defense on August 31, the budget for the 2022 fiscal year (April 2022 to March 2023) was 5.4797 trillion yen, higher than the 2021 fiscal year's defense cost of 5.1235 trillion yen.
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi are vowing to increase defense costs without being courted by 1% of GDP. In an interview with U.S. Newsweek on the 12th, Prime Minister Suga said, "The security environment surrounding Japan is becoming increasingly difficult," expressing his intention not to be bound by the practice of restraining defense costs within 1% of GDP.
The Ministry of Defense's budget demand is slightly less than 1% based on its nominal GDP forecast for fiscal 2022. However, it is analyzed that defense costs for fiscal 2022 may increase compared to the demand in the process of budgeting at the end of the year.
Kyodo News said, "As defense costs are expected to increase further as the end of the year budget is set to go through, it is expected to increase for the 10th consecutive year," adding, "There is a possibility that it will exceed 1% of GDP."
In Japan, it was customary to keep defense costs within 1% of GDP.
According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Japan's defense spending has surpassed 1% of GDP since 1990, only once in fiscal 2010, when GDP has decreased significantly due to the global financial crisis.
The Ministry of National Defense claimed the need for an increase in the security environment at an unprecedented rate, with neighboring countries trying to strengthen their military capabilities by significantly increasing defense costs.
In particular, the Defense Ministry emphasized △ capabilities in new areas such as space, cyber, and electromagnetic waves, △ capabilities in the sea and air areas, △ ability to strike outside the threat range of the opponent, and △ ability to deploy manoeuvres. In addition, the Ministry of Defense said, "We will strengthen the foundation of the defense industry by developing and developing systems necessary to secure technological superiority in the defense sector and technologies that can become 'game changers'."
Japan's defense spending increase is believed to be aimed at increasing deterrence against China by cooperating with the U.S.
Date: 2021-08-15
Reporter: 서화