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"During the war..." Zelensky couple's fashion pictorial is noisy

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (44) and his wife Olena (44) took a photo of the U.S. fashion magazine Vogue. Criticism that "Russia's invasion of Ukraine is inappropriate at a time when numerous casualties have occurred over five months" and counterarguments that "anything should be done at a time when the international community's interest is decreasing."

Vogue released several photos of the couple on Wednesday (local time). President Zelensky, wearing his symbolized khaki T-shirt, hugged Mrs. Olena from behind, sitting on the steps of the presidential palace in Kiiu, the Ukrainian capital, with a makeupless face, staring at the camera, and President Zelensky standing behind her. In particular, in this photo, dusty bags are piled up around the two.

President Zelensky said, "The soaring energy prices and the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) are nothing compared to what is happening in Ukraine. "Would you still think about gas and electricity bills when a war breaks out in your hometown?" he said, appealing for support and attention from the international community. Mrs. Olena also said, "It's been the most terrible months of my life and all Ukrainian lives," adding, "We're looking forward to winning." "There is no doubt that we will win," he stressed.

Date: 2022-07-28

Reporter: 정새울



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​등록일 : 2022년 11월 25일

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​청소년보호책임자: 정새울                               발행인,  편집인: 정새울

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