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COVID-19 test before entering the country, abolished from 0 o'clock on the 3rd

When entering Korea from midnight on the 3rd, it is not necessary to submit a negative confirmation of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) gene amplification (PCR) test. This measure applies to all domestic and foreign entrants regardless of their vaccination history and departure country. Baek Kyung-ran, head of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, explained in a briefing on the 31st, "It is in line with the trend of stopping submitting voice confirmations worldwide."

However, inbound travelers must undergo a separate PCR test within one day after entering the country. The pre-entry inspection disappears, but the inspection is maintained after entering the country. After entering the country, the rapid antigen test (RAT) for experts is not recognized, and only PCR tests are possible.

Lee Ki-il, the second vice minister of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said, "If the situation changes, such as a high-fatal change in overseas countries, pre-PCR tests can be reintroduced."

The aviation and travel industries expect the government's decision to help increase travel demand. Airlines are trying to meet travel demand by launching new international flights and increasing them.

Korean Air launched a new service in Budapest, Hungary, and decided to re-operate routes to Dubai and Chiang Mai, Thailand. Other airlines are also considering increasing and re-operating routes that have reduced the number of flights. An official from the travel industry said, "As the cost burden of PCR tests before entering the country disappears, travel sentiment will revive," adding, "The burden of high exchange rates and high prices is likely to be a variable for the increase in travelers."

The aviation and travel industry and overseas visitors have pointed out that the "COVID-19 test before entering the country" is a regulation that must be lifted. This is because the cost of the inspection alone is 100,000 won, and it was very inconvenient to visit the inspection site from abroad. In particular, some laboratories have consistently reported that they do not put enough cotton swabs in their noses for COVID-19 testing kits. This is why there were complaints that "it only wastes money and time and has no preventive effect."

Good Travel issued a statement on the 31st and welcomed it as an appropriate measure at a time when demand for overseas travel has entered a recovery trend, saying, "All the obstacles to normalizing the industry have disappeared."

Date: 2022-09-01

Reporter: 정새울



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