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Buying real estate by siphoning off KRW 348 billion for children's meals in COVID-19

In the United States, which distributed disaster support funds for the novel coronavirus infection disease (COVID-19), the largest "COVID-19 fraud" ever was discovered, stealing 250 million dollars (about 348.2 billion won) in the name of supporting children's meals.

The U.S. Department of Justice announced on the 20th that it has indicted 47 people related to the Minnesota non-profit "Feeding Hour Future" on charges of financial fraud, bribery, and money laundering. They are accused of making false documents for providing free meals after making up a large number of children's names on the "name automatic generator" website. As more and more students starve due to the absence of face-to-face school classes during the pandemic, they abused the system of paying post-support to non-profit organizations that sponsored the cost if restaurants provide meals to children. The New York Times (NYT) reported that 125 million counterfeit receipts were made.

According to the Ministry of Justice, Feeding Hour Future purchased 20 luxury cars, 40 real estate, luxury bags and jewelry not only in the United States but also in Kenya and Turkey. The FBI pointed out, "Unlike its name, the group was only interested in satisfying its greed, not feeding our future."

The U.S. federal government launched a large-scale investigation after such interceptions continued out of $5 trillion (about 6,971 trillion won) in disaster support funds paid over the past two years.

The Washington Post (WP) pointed out, "The economic stimulus funds saved the U.S. economy from ruin while opening the door to fraud and abuse that wastes billions of dollars."

Date: 2022-09-22

Reporter: 정새울



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​청소년 보호 담당자 : 정새울  (01057930553)

등록번호 : 서울, 아54575

​등록일 : 2022년 11월 25일

제      호 : 미디어넘버원

종      별 : 인터넷신문

발 행 소 : 서울시 송파구 송파동 20-5 영풍빌딩 5층 

발행 목적 : 국내외, 정치,경제, iT흐름을 일목요연 신속 정확하게 국민에게 전달함

​청소년보호책임자: 정새울                               발행인,  편집인: 정새울

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