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BTS, The shortest, the first time again...레코드 Record Association's 'Diamond' Certification

The group BTS has obtained the "diamond" certification from the Japan Record Association in the shortest time ever with "Dynamite."

According to the Japan Record Association on the 28th, BTS's "Dynamite" announced on August 21, 2020 exceeded 500 million cumulative playback counts, making it a certified "Diamond" work as of January 2022. As of January 31st (certification date), "Dynamite" received diamond certification 529 days after its release, setting a new record for achieving "diamond" in the shortest period since the association began certification in April 2020.

At the same time, BTS became the first overseas artist to be certified as a diamond in the streaming sector by the Japan Record Association.

According to the cumulative number of songs played (streaming category), the Japan Record Association certifies them on its official website every month by dividing them into silver (more than 30 million times), gold (more than 50 million times), platinum (more than 100 million times), and diamond (more than 500 million times).

BTS previously set a new record for obtaining "Platinum" certification for the shortest time in the streaming sector of the Japan Record Association with "Butter," which was released in May last year. Last month, they also achieved 100 million cumulative views with the title song "Film out" from their best album in Japan and "Lights" released in July 2019, making them on the list of "Platinum" certified works (as of December 2021.

BTS has won certification for "Million", "Triple Platinum", "Double Platinum", "Platinum" and "Gold" in a number of categories including albums, singles, downloads, and DVDs of the Japan Record Association as well as streaming.

Date: 2022-02-22

Reporter: 정새울



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​등록일 : 2022년 11월 25일

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​청소년보호책임자: 정새울                               발행인,  편집인: 정새울

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