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A man in his 40s who set fire to a woman in violation of a restraining order

Police have arrested a man in his 40s who violated the restraining order, visited a woman, sprayed gasoline on her body, and set it on fire. Busanjin Police Station in Busan said on the 27th that it is arresting and investigating a man in his 40s on charges of violating the Special Threat and Stalking Punishment Act. According to the police, A is accused of spraying gasoline on his body and lighting it with a lighter on the road in front of a restaurant in Busanjin-gu, Busan, at 9:50 p.m. the previous day. As a result of the police investigation, A was previously ordered to prohibit access by the court while chasing B. However, it was investigated that he violated this and visited B. Fortunately, B is known to have suffered minor injuries, such as burning part of his head. A suffered second-degree burns to his neck and back and is being treated at the hospital. The police said, "We are going to apply for an arrest warrant for A," and explained, "We cannot reveal the details because it is an investigation."

Date: 2023-03-31

Reporter: 정새울



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​청소년 보호 담당자 : 정새울  (01057930553)

등록번호 : 서울, 아54575

​등록일 : 2022년 11월 25일

제      호 : 미디어넘버원

종      별 : 인터넷신문

발 행 소 : 서울시 송파구 송파동 20-5 영풍빌딩 5층 

발행 목적 : 국내외, 정치,경제, iT흐름을 일목요연 신속 정확하게 국민에게 전달함

​청소년보호책임자: 정새울                               발행인,  편집인: 정새울

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