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'wearing a mask will be mandatory when using public transportation in the U.S.'

More than a year after the outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic, wearing a mask will be mandatory when using public transportation in the United States.

According to U.S. media reports on the 30th (local time), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an order from February 1 to make it mandatory to wear masks when using public transportation.

This is a follow-up measure after President Joe Biden signed an executive order on January 20 that obligates citizens to wear masks at the federal government building on the first day of his inauguration. The CDC issued mandatory guidelines that require passengers of airplanes, trains, subways, buses, taxis, ships, and shared vehicles to wear masks.

However, even within public transportation, it is allowed to take off the mask for a short time to take food or medicine, and drivers of personal vehicles or commercial trucks do not have to wear masks. Also, scarves and handkerchiefs are not available instead of masks. The mandatory wearing of masks does not apply to infants under the age of two or those with certain diseases.

The CDC order will take effect Monday, February 1 at 11:59 p.m. ET (U.S. Eastern Time), and will remain in effect until further notice. Federal, state, and local authorities, including the U.S. Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), enforce orders.

In addition, the guidelines included that airlines and others could ask passengers for medical records, results of Covid-19 voice tests, and medical professionals' medical records.

The CDC stated that the transportation and airline companies should get off as soon as possible against passengers who refuse to do so.



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​등록일 : 2022년 11월 25일

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