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[서화목] U.S. has added chinese companys to 'blacklist.

The U.S. Department of Defense has added nine Chinese Smartphone manufacturers such as Xiaomi and China Commercial Aircraft Corporation (COMAC), a state-owned aircraft manufacturer, to 'blacklist'.

U.S. President Donald Trump is tightening pressure on the public with six days left to resign. The U.S. Department of Defense explained the reason for the sanctions on the 14th (local time), saying, "We are trying to shed light on and counter the joint military development strategy that supports the goal of modernizing the People's Liberation Army."

Until now, 35 places, including Chinese semiconductor company SMIC, have been listed on the blacklist. Reuters reported that U.S. investors should dispose of their shares by November 11.

The U.S. Department of Commerce put China's third-largest oil company, CNOOC, on its 'Department of Commerce' blacklist'. The Ministry of Commerce took issue with the company's indiscriminate development of resources in the disputed South China Sea, threatening neighboring national security, including Vietnam. The State Department said it imposed restrictions on Chinese Communist Party, People's Liberation Army officials and state-run company executives involved in the attempt to turn the South China Sea into a military base. However, the Wall Street Journal reported that whether the sanctions will be enforced or not depends on the administration of Joe Biden, who will take office on the 20th.


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