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[서화목] the risk of re-infection of Covid-19 is high and it could occur every year.

It is unlikely that the Covid-19 virus Pandemic will end in the new year. Until the outbreak of the mutant virus, there were expectations that it could be an end declaration in the summer of the new year if vaccinations begin. However, the mutant virus has gone up in smoke due to the spread of the virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that even if the vaccine is released, Covid-19 will mutate and become endemic.

The task is also to speed up vaccination, which is slower than the rapidly spreading mutation. In August, the science magazine Nature reported that in order to end the Covid-19 Pandemic, 55 to 80% of the population will have to have immunity through virus infection or vaccination. In a study published by Harvard University's research team in Nature, if immunity lasts only 40 weeks, the risk of re-infection of Covid-19 is high and it could occur every year.

Dr. Anthony Pouch (photo), director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said that if 75 to 80% of the U.S. population is vaccinated in the second quarter of 2021, collective immunity could occur in months, but if it is low at 40 to 50%, it will take longer. Director Pouch stressed that the fandemic will end someday, but in order to do so, social distancing, avoiding crowds, and wearing masks by the public should be kept.


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