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[서화목] Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

Three emails exchanged between anonymous Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto and early Bitcoin developer Hal Finney were newly released in a CoinDesk editorial on the 27th (local time).

Michael Kaplikoff, a professor at Face University who has studied the origin of Bitcoin, published three e-mails exchanged between November 2008 and January 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto and Halpini.

Professor Kaplikov explained, "The email came from Halpini's computer and was provided by his wife, Fran Fini, to Nathaniel Popper, a New York Times contributor and author of "Digital Gold."

Halpini is a computer programmer and cryptographic technology expert who died of Lou Gehrig's disease in August 2014. It is estimated that it is the first person to mine Bitcoin besides Satoshi and is known as the first recipient of Bitcoin.

The first e-mail released this time was sent to Satoshi by Halpini on November 19, 2008, 19 days after the Bitcoin white paper was published.

Prior to this, Satoshi shared it with a small number of developers, including Finney, who will do the initial version of Bitcoin Codebase. This fact is well known through Ray Dillinger and James A. Donald, who shared the same information.

In his first email, Halpini asks Satoshi about the expected number of nodes and the scalability of the Bitcoin network.

"The discussions and concerns about performance can be related to the actual size of the P2P network," he said. "How big do you think the network will be, and how many, thousands, or millions of nodes do you expect it to be?"

He also asked whether he thought bitcoin could grow enough to be used for 100 percent of global financial transactions, or whether he expects it to be used only for some transactions that meet certain requirements.

After the e-mail, Satoshi granted Finney access to an open source software development and management repository Sourceforge.

In an e-mail on January 8, 2009, Satoshi reported the launch of the Bitcoin network and said, "Bitcoin v0.1 release, EXE, and full source code are on SourceForge." "Release notes and screenshots were also uploaded to

In an e-mail dated January 9, Hal Finney said, "We will be reviewing the code this weekend," adding, "We expect more information about the code." On the 11th, the developer tweeted, "Bitcoin is running."

With Bitcoin being recently re-examined as a safe hedging instrument, interest in the identity of the anonymous founder is increasing. There is a lot of speculation about who Satoshi Nakamoto is, whether it is an individual or an organization.

Recently, Chain Bulletin analyzed Satoshi Nakamoto's early posts and found that the most likely locations and time zones were the UK (GMT), the US East (EST), the US Pacific (PST), Japan (JST) and Australia (AEST).

Sergio Demain Lerner, who is analyzing the mining patterns of Bitcoin founders, said, "It is more likely that Satoshi used high-performance CPUs than multiple computers to mine Bitcoin," adding, "Satoshi is likely to be an individual, not an organization."


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