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'Microsoft has released "Emergency Reader" that helps them read and understand..'

Microsoft has officially released "Emergency Reader" that helps them read and understand text based on AI.

Immersive Reader is a project first introduced through the Microsoft Hackathon event in 2014 and was developed to help students with disabilities understand reading and writing. It is currently a technology that is applied to Microsoft Word, One Note, Teams, Edge Browser and others through 'Ager Cognitive Service', which is one of Ager AI services.

It supports translation into more than 70 languages, including Korean, and reads words aloud. Through color classification, it emphasizes words such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives, and helps learners improve their understanding and concentration of sentences with visual elements such as pictures. These functions are also applied to solving difficult math problems such as equations, supporting training to improve students' ability to solve problems.

The official launch is expected to provide more comprehensive and effective learning services to users who suffer from reading, such as dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and non-native speakers, as well as generations in non-face-to-face education environments. It is also expected that developers and partners will be able to add these features to their products to help improve their learning capabilities.

Currently, more than 23 million users a month use the Emotional Reader for reading, writing, math, and communication. In particular, many educational institutions have shifted to remote learning models between February and May, creating a new learning environment for remote education, with the use rate of immersive leaders increasing by 560%.

Microsoft has also unveiled a new partner that integrates the Emergent Reader function into its services. The U.S. non-profit coding education organization guarantees the opportunity to enjoy classes and content regardless of students' background and skills through integration with the Immersive Leader. In addition, the SAPARI Montage, a leading learning object repository in the United States, allows students to learn without language constraints and parents who do not speak the language can participate in their children's education.

In addition, Microsoft supports the development of services that enhance the learning efficiency of remote education through AI technology. The "Text Voice Transition" service provides a new way for students to interact with content with the ability to read text in more than 45 languages and 110 voices. Audio content creation tools also support the production of more lively audio books by adapting voice styles, speed, pitch and pronunciation to characters and scenarios without any special code.



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