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'U.S. President Donald Trump said he could give a speech at the White House'

U.S. President Donald Trump said he could give a speech at the White House to accept the nomination of a Republican presidential candidate.

"We're thinking about it," Trump told Fox News on the 5th (local time) regarding his acceptance speech. "We're thinking about doing it in the White House.

"That's the easiest alternative," Trump said, presuming that the plan is not finalized yet. "From the perspective of this country, it would be by far the least expensive," he said. "I will probably do it live from the White House."

The Republican Party was scheduled to hold a national convention in Jacksonville, Florida, from 24th to 27th of this month and give a speech on the nomination of presidential candidates, but President Trump abruptly canceled the event due to the spread of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

On the same day, President Trump said that the U.S. stock exchange will do more business and make money as it deprives Hong Kong of its special status.

"For freedom, we've given them tremendous incentives. "We've taken away large-scale business from the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq, and all of our exchanges," he said. "We're going to make more money now.



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