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An ambitious project to develop a wearable(착용가능한) device to detect early signs of Alzheimer's disease has been launched. The Early Detection of Neurodegenerative diseases (Edon) is being spearheaded(선두에 있는) by charity Alzheimer's Research UK. It will initially analyze data from continuing studies into the disease, using artificial intelligence. And this data will be used to design a prototype(원형) device within three years. Wearables collect a variety of data including gait(걸음걸이), heart rate and sleep patterns and the hope is by analyzing this data, researchers can begin to map signs of the disease years before symptoms develop. The global initiative(계획, 진취성) has already won funding from tech founder turned philanthropist(자선가) Bill Gates. But it also forms part of the UK government's wider ambition to use artificial(인공적 인) intelligence and data to help better understand and prevent chronic diseases. Initially, Edon will work with the UK's national institute for data science and artificial intelligence, The Alan Turing Institute, to trawl(대대적으로 조사하다) through data from continuing studies into Alzheimer's disease. Prof Chris Holmes, health programme director at the institute, said: "Artificial intelligence has the potential(잠재적인) to transform the learning opportunities from large-scale data studies such as Edon by integrating information from multiple sources. "We will use AI to deliver new insights into the early signals of disease by combining digital data measurements(측정, 측량) with traditional sources such as brain imaging and memory tests."

⭐ wearable: □□□ / spearheaded: □□□ / eprototype: □□□ / gait: □□□ / initiative: □□□ ⭐ philanthropist: □□□ /artificial: □□□/ trawl: □□□ / potential: □□□ / / measurement: □□□

• Summarize this story with your partner using the expressions that you want to be familiar with.


  1. Are you good at remembering things in your daily life?

  2. Do you have any tips to manage your schedule or duties?

  3. Have you ever been embarrassed because you forgot something important?

  4. What is the most memorable moment in your life?

  5. If you could delete one of your memories, is there something you would like to erase?


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​청소년 보호 담당자 : 정새울  (01057930553)

등록번호 : 서울, 아54575

​등록일 : 2022년 11월 25일

제      호 : 미디어넘버원

종      별 : 인터넷신문

발 행 소 : 서울시 송파구 송파동 20-5 영풍빌딩 5층 

발행 목적 : 국내외, 정치,경제, iT흐름을 일목요연 신속 정확하게 국민에게 전달함

​청소년보호책임자: 정새울                               발행인,  편집인: 정새울

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